Bryan Chiakpo Cybersecure Growth Coach
Bryan has spent four years at Accenture on the leading edge of applied data analytics. His work has improved the performance of individuals and organizations across multiple industries and ecosystems as a Data Engineering and Analytics Consultant. He also is an Amazon Web Services certified cloud practitioner. Prior to Accenture, Bryan served on the original development team that helped to launch the Mary S. Peake Fellowship. His work focused on analytics to help local businesses grow and strengthen the communities served. Bryan went on to research positions for leading Boston University and Harvard University teaching hospitals. Specifically, Bryan's projects ranged from better understanding of bone cancer with computer tomography (CT) imaging to understanding and reforming the discharge process for hospital patients. Bryan earned a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering with a Concentration in Technology Innovation from Boston University. Bryan’s understanding of technology, products, services, and data reinforce the impact he makes for ecosystem members across market categories, geographies, and demographics.